Fall Commencement

We want to congratulate all of the 2017 Fall UNT-D Graduates! We are so proud that one of our very own Psychology graduates was selected to perform the student commencement speech. Ruhama Tollossa did an amazing job, and demonstrated how wise she is beyond her years. We are lucky to have many stellar students in our program, just like her. So proud to be a part of the UNT-D family!

True Blue Event

The UNT-D Fall 2017 True Blue event was a success! Pictured is the Psychology Club president, Cynthia Thomason, helping to represent the Psychology major. Thanks for all of your help! 

Movie Night: Perfect Stranger

Movie night was a great success! We originally planned to view Split (2016), which would have been perfect for the Psychology Club students, but due to DVD malfunctions, we streamed Perfect Stranger (2007). It was fun to see the students laughing at how basic chat rooms were in 2007, and seeing the old school flip phones (the first iPhone was released later that year). While it wasn’t the academic discussion we had hoped for, it was a lot of fun laughing at the silliness of cheesy thrillers. Spoiler alert, Holly Berry is a suspect! 


The UNT-Dallas Psychology Club 2016-2017 Officers. We had a fun year, and will be losing two great officers. Graduation will do that… Thank you for your service, and congratulations Shimul and Maria!

Psychology & Sociology Career Fair

We want to thank all of the local community members, businesses, and UNT-D students who participated in the first annual Psychology & Sociology Career Fair – it was a huge success! We look forward to next year’s fair, and hope that this year’s experience was informative and impactful. 

Texas A&M University-Kingsville Psychology Club

I stumbled across these old photos from a 2010 Fall Festival with our very first Psychology Club at TAMUK. These were fun days!  Our first group of students made us feel so very welcomed and appreciated. Thank you all!


Get Psyched!

I wanted to share some of the really creative designs the Psychology Club students have developed. Below is this year’s t-shirt design, followed by recruiting materials for our events.  

Research Symposium

Dr. CdC’s research lab finished runner up in the UNT-Dallas research symposium! You all did wonderful work that you should be very proud of!
