Digital Interfaces, Interactions & Experiences Summit

SMU hosted an amazing summit where industry leaders came together to discuss various domains involving technology and digital interfaces. My favorite talks involved learning about ethics in AI, the benefits of gaming, and how to maximize experiences. I wish I could have participated in all sessions, there were so many fascinating topics ranging from robotics to cyber security. It was a great experience!

Make it Stick

UNT Dallas College of Law Assistant Professor, Johnathan Bridges, delivered an informative talk about his research on testing techniques, and the most effective means of assessment. I wanted to share a highly recommended read, “Make it Stick, The Science of Successful Learning” for educators seeking to improve their methods of teaching and testing. 

Big Design Conference

So excited for this conference! I love that Big Design is local too. Here is a snapshot of the day 1 events. The conference organizers have a passion for the UX field, and put a great deal of effort into developing a program that covers a wide range of design and development issues. Can’t wait!

Update: The conference was amazing! It was fully packed with endless lessons in the practice of UX. Looking forward to next year!

Personality Assessment

The Psychology Club organized a successful first Fall 2019 event. Members had an opportunity to complete a personality assessment, share their findings, and discuss the strengths and limitations of personality assessment tools. We also enjoyed pizza and social time! Thanks to everyone who took the time to attend and contribute to our welcome back meeting! We have a great group this semester!

Our 2019 Fall Members


Students carefully completing their personality assessments…

The Belo Mansion

I had the pleasure of touring the historic Belo Mansion in downtown Dallas. The grounds are spectacular and their food was fabulous. The architecture is a seamless blend of modern and historic. Below is a view of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe from one of the courtyards. 


New Student Center

Just staying cool, enjoying the new UNT Dallas student center. Can’t wait for the new Starbucks too!


Spring Commencement

Congratulations UNT Dallas 2019 graduates! Last night was the largest graduating class. Tom Joyner, ”The Hardest Working Man in Radio,” was our generous keynote speaker. He personally handed out $5 bills to all graduates, and challenged them to transform it into something big.

Over 500 attendees at IBOC, Dallas TX.

Tom Joyner with a large stack of bills!

Psychology major, Parrie Mashburn. Heading to Texas Tech University for graduate school.

Psychology major, Ofelia Chapa. Heading to Southern Methodist University for graduate school.


Officer Election Meeting

The UNTD Psychology Club had a successful election meeting today! Pictured from left to right: James Ramos (graduating secretary), Simon Rook (new vice president), Tahj Moore (new social media coordinator), Me (club advisor). Looking forward to planning an amazing 2019-2020 year with you guys!


We had so much fun at the Minefaire convention! My son had an opportunity to try out a virtual reality headset for the very first time, and to play on the xbox 360. We learned a little about coding, but I suspect it was a bit too advanced for the boy. I still enjoyed it!

Finally, I wanted to share this amazing fundraising option for Children’s Health Hospital, Extra Life. If you are a gammer, or know one, this is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for Children’s Hospital while playing video or traditional table games. Brilliant idea and a worthy cause! 🤖🕹

Graduate School Panel

The Psychology Club’s Graduate School Panel was a huge success! Thank you to all of the professionals who volunteered their time and valuable insights about the graduate school process, and for the engaging student attendees. We wish you all the best in your educational and professional journey!